Bible Study
We are committed to provide systematic training and instruction in God’s Word for the whole family, and to apply His truth practically to our daily lives.
- Primary and Junior Sunday School: These classes are designed to guide elementary-age children into a real relationship with God, while also laying a foundational knowledge of Bible stories and important truths that will have an impact now and for eternity.
- Teen Sunday School: The teen class is specifically geared to meet the spiritual needs of our young people by grounding them in the Word of God and giving them the tools they need to live holy, God-fearing lives in a perverse and sinful world. Our goal is to see each young person develop a true love for God and surrender to follow Him into the center of His will. Teens meet together regularly for times of Bible study, fun and recreation, as well as various evangelistic outreach ministries.
- Adult Bible Study: Adults meet every Sunday during the Sunday School time and enjoy a practical study of God’s Word. In this class adults study whole books of the Bible, biblical characters, or topics that relate to practical areas of life.

At Bible Baptist Church, we recognize the importance of Christ-honoring, soul-stirring music. In a day when music is based more on the world than on the Word and more like sin than the Savior, Bible Baptist Church uses only conservative music that is free of a worldly flavor. Through our congregational singing and through special vocal and instrumental groups, we seek to glorify the Lord and encourage believers in their walk with God.

- Evangelism
At Bible Baptist Church we take seriously Christ’s command to “preach the Gospel to every creature” through our weekly soul-winning and visitation program. We believe that the Gospel is still the power of God for salvation, the fields are still white unto harvest, and Christ still saves sinners! Our goal is to saturate our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to show all our local visitors the love and concern of Christ for their spiritual wellbeing.
We also provide soul-winning training for our people through our Netcaster’s Soul-winning Course This course provides 13 weeks of both classroom lectures and one-on-one training in a proven soul-winning approach that greatly aids in effectively giving the Gospel.
- Summer Outreach
Each summer BBC holds its largest and most expansive evangelistic programs.
Our Vacation Bible School program reaches children and families all over our area with the Good News. It includes games, Scripture memory, simple Bible preaching geared to children, and an exciting adventure comedy that keeps the kids coming back for more! VBS is always well staffed with able and caring folks from our church.
We also hold special teen evangelistic outreaches, such as “The Battle,” an exciting competition for teens, and other ministries specifically designed to reach teens with the Gospel.
Supporting 30 missionaries in 20 countries and 2 missions projects, Bible Baptist has placed a priority on furthering Christ’s work worldwide.
- Mark & Ashley Ackeret–Manta, Ecuador
- Tom & Lynn Ashley–Ambassador Baptist College
- Nathan & Dana Barber—Shorewood, IL
- Dan & Becky Bennett—Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Alan & Donna Brooks—Assistant S. E. Asia Director, BIMI
- Brandon & Laura Bowen–Madagascar, East Africa
- Mike & Cindy Burgett—Nagaoka, Japan
- William & Kathy Busch—Huston, Texas
- Nathan & Kristin Childs–Cape Town, South Africa
- David & Jill Coltrane—Island of Leyte, Philippines
- Mike & Sarah Freuh–Nyíregyháza, Hungary
- Yohannes & Kidist Getaneh—Lusaka, Zambia-Deaf
- Dorothy Halsey—Retired Missionary
- Bill & Tonja Henderson–Merizo, Guam
- Jack & Jonnie Hunt—Mission Aeroservices
- William and Samantha Jeffcoat–Southeast Asia
- Ole & Renee Konnerup—Nairobi, Kenya
- Steve and Lucinda Martinez – Wounded Spirits Ministry
- Mark & Denise Nelsen—La Rochelle, France
- Mark & Carol Oshman—Jews, Chattanooga, TN
- Nathan & Marissa Patton–Talisay, Philippines
- Dr. Robert Powell—West Indies
- Nathan & Sarah Ring–Lami, Brazil
- Kyle and Annie Sheridan–Coyhaique, Chile
- Clayton & Joan Shumpert—BIMI, Rep., CLAIM
- Andy & Lisa Simpson—Taichung, Taiwan
- Josh & Rachel Stewart–Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Buddy & Susan Thigpen— Europe
- Vaughn & Dana Wilson—Groveland, FL
- Les & Jane Zerbe—Aviation, Costa Rica
- Bible Distribution Project – Papua New Guinea
- Venezuela Outreach Project